Golan Heights

Golan Heights

    The area of the Golan Heights held by Israel is around 1,200 sq. km. (500 sq. mi.). There are over 40,000 people living there, less than half of them Jewish and the rest Druze and a small Alawite minority.
    The region's strategic importance derives from its location, overlooking the Israeli Galilee region, and from the fact that it supplies Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee) - a major source of water for Israel - with one third of its water.
    As an outcome of the Syrian attack on Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel gained control of the Golan Heights. The Israeli-Syrian Agreement on Disengagement of 1974 established a buffer zone between them and a United Nations Observer Force to supervise its implementation. Israeli law was applied by the Knesset to the Golan Heights on 14 December 1981.
    The Golan Heights
    Click to enlarge
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    This map is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered authoritative.